Returns all office locations. Request parameters not required. |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
Code | string | x | id of the office |
Name | string | x | name of the office |
Type | string | x | type of the office: city/airport/rws (railway station) |
Address | string | x | post address of the office |
City | string | x | city of the office |
PostalCode | string | x | postal code of the office |
Country | string | x | country of the office |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the office |
string | x | email address of the office | |
MonOpen | string | x | Monday office opening time |
MonClose | string | x | Monday office closing time |
TueOpen | string | x | Tuesday office opening time |
TueClose | string | x | Tuesday office closing time |
WedOpen | string | x | Wednesday office opening time |
WedClose | string | x | Wednesday office closing time |
ThuOpen | string | x | Thursday office opening time |
ThuClose | string | x | Thursday office closing time |
FriOpen | string | x | Friday office opening time |
FriClose | string | x | Friday office closing time |
SatOpen | string | x | Saturday office opening time |
SatClose | string | x | Saturday office closing time |
SunOpen | string | x | Sunday office opening time |
SunClose | string | x | Sunday office closing time |
Service24h | integer | x | Information if there is 24h pickup and return available outside office hours (0/1) |
”Locations”: [ { ”Code”: HELA, ”Name”: ”Helsinki-Vantaa Airport”, ”Type”: ”Airport”, ”Address”: ”Lentoasemantie 1”, ”City”: ”Vantaa”, ”PostalCode”: ”01530”, ”Country”: ”Finland”, ”Phone”: ”+35820014636”, ”Email”: ””, ”MonOpen”: ”08:00”, ”MonClose”: ”16:00”, ”TueOpen”: ”08:00”, ”TueClose”: ”16:00”, ”WedOpen”: ”08:00”, ”WedClose”: ”16:00”, ”ThuOpen”: ”08:00”, ”ThuClose”: ”16:00”, ”FriOpen”: ”08:00”, ”FriClose”: ”16:00”, ”SatOpen”: ”09:00”, ”SatClose”: ”16:00”, ”SunOpen”: ”00:00”, ”SunClose”: ”00:00”, ”Service24h”: ”1” }, { ”Code”: HELC, ”Name”: ”Helsinki City”, ”Type”: City, ”Address”: ”Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13”, ”City”: ”Helsinki”, ”PostalCode”: ”00099”, ”Country”: ”Finland”, ”Phone”: ”+358931011111”, ”Email”: ””, ”MonOpen”: ”08:00”, ”MonClose”: ”16:00”, ”TueOpen”: ”08:00”, ”TueClose”: ”16:00”, ”WedOpen”: ”08:00”, ”WedClose”: ”16:00”, ”ThuOpen”: ”08:00”, ”ThuClose”: ”16:00”, ”FriOpen”: ”08:00”, ”FriClose”: ”16:00”, ”SatOpen”: ”00:00”, ”SatClose”: ”00:00”, ”SunOpen”: ”00:00”, ”SunClose”: ”00:00”, ”Service24h”: ”0” } ] } |
Returns all available vehicle classes in given time. Response includes prices and vehicle class details. |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
PickUpTime | date time | x | pickup time |
ReturnTime | date time | x | return time |
PickUpLocationCode | string | x | id of the pickup office location |
ReturnLocationCode | string | x | id of the return office location |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
Details: | |||
PickUpTime | date time | x | time of the pickup |
ReturnTime | date time | x | time of the return |
Days | integer | x | length of the reservation in days |
PickUpLocationCode | string | x | id of the pickup office location |
ReturnLocationCode | string | x | id of the return office location |
Vehicles: | |||
RateId | integer | x | reference for reservation |
VehClassId | integer | x | id number of the vehicle class |
VehClassName | string | x | name of the vehicle class |
VehClassType | string | x | type of the vehicle class |
VehClassPassengers | string | x | number on passenger seats |
PricePrepaid | float | x | price when paid in advance |
PricePOA | float | x | price when paid on arrival |
DamageExcess | float | x | extra charge in case of damage |
TheftExcess | float | x | extra charge in case of theft |
DamageExcessWithExtraCover | float | x | extra charge in case of damage if extra cover is paid |
TheftExcessWithExtraCover | float | x | extra charge in case of theft if extra cover is paid |
ExtraCoverPrice | float | x | price of the extra cover |
StatusName | string | x | name of the vehicle status (Available/Unavailable) |
Details: | |||
ClassName | string | x | name of the vehicle class |
Passengers | string | x | number of passengers occupying the vehicle |
Doors | string | x | number of the vehicle doors |
Aircon | string | x | information whether there is air conditioning in the vehicle (0/1) |
TowHitch | string | x | information whether there is a tow hitch in the vehicle (0/1) |
4wd | string | x | information whether there is four-wheel drive in the vehicle (0/1) |
BootSize | string | x | size of the vehicles boot/trunk |
BootSmallLuggage | string | x | number of small luggage fitting in the vehicles boot/trunk |
BootBigLuggage | string | x | number of big luggage fitting in the vehicles boot/trunk |
Consumption | string | x | consumption of the vehicle |
CO2 | string | x | carbon dioxide emissions of the vehicle |
LoadLength | string | x | length of the loading space |
LoadHeight | string | x | height of the loading space |
LoadWidth | string | x | width of the loading space |
WidthWheelHousing | string | x | width of the loading space for the wheel housing |
OverallLength | string | x | length of the vehicles external dimensions |
OverallHeight | string | x | height of the vehicles external dimensions |
OverallWidth | string | x | width of the vehicles external dimensions |
Payload | string | x | payload of the vehicle |
RoofLoad | string | x | roofload of the vehicle |
TowingCapacityBraked | string | x | towing capacity of trailer with brakes |
TowingCapacityUnbraked | string | x | towing capacity of trailer with no brakes |
TailLift | string | x | lifting capacity of the tail lift |
ExampleVeh | string | x | example vehicle of the vehicle class |
PicUrl | string | x | picture url for the vehicle class photo |
ExtraInformation | string | x | extra information of the vehicle |
DrivingLicense | string | x | required driving license |
Transmission | string | x | information of the vehicles gear box |
Fuel | string | x | fuel type of the vehicle |
”PickUpTime”:”2022-07-01 10:00:00″, ”ReturnTime”:”2022-09-30 16:00:00″, ”PickUpLocationCode”:”HELA”, ”ReturnLocationCode”:”HELA” } |
”Details”: { ”PickUpTime”: ”2020-01-01 02:46:40”, ”ReturnTime”: ”2020-01-02 02:46:40”, ”Days”: 1, ”PickUpLocationCode”: ”4”, ”ReturnLocationCode”: ”4” }, ”Vehicles”: [ { ”RateId”: ”102854”, ”VehClassId”: ”4”, ”VehClassName”: ”A”, ”VehClassType”: ”1”, ”VehClassPassengers”: ”4”, ”PricePrepaid”: 95, ”PricePOA”: 102.6, ”DamageExcess”: 500, ”TheftExcess”: 500, ”DamageExcessWithExtraCover”: 200, ”TheftExcessWithExtraCover”: 200, ”ExtraCoverPrice”: 20, ”StatusName”: ”Available”, ”Details”: { ”ClassName”: ”A”, ”Passengers”: ”5”, ”Doors”: ”3”, ”Aircon”: ”1”, ”TowHitch”: ”0”, ”4wd”: ”0”, ”BootSize”: ”180”, ”BootSmallLuggage”: ”1”, ”BootBigLuggage”: ”0”, ”Consumption”: ”4.50”, ”CO2”: ”120”, ”LoadLength”: ””, ”LoadHeight”: ””, ”LoadWidth”: ””, ”WidthWheelHousing”: ””, ”OverallLength”: ””, ”OverallHeight”: ””, ”OverallWidth”: ””, ”Payload”: ””, ”RoofLoad”: ””, ”TowingCapacityBraked”: ””, ”TowingCapacityUnbraked”: ””, ”TailLift”: ”0”, ”ExampleVeh”: ”Toyota Aygo”, ”PicUrl”: ””, ”ExtraInformation”: ””, ”DrivingLicense”: ”B”, ”Transmission”: ”manuaali”, ”Fuel”: ”bensiini 95 E10” } }, { ”RateId”: ”102855”, ”VehClassId”: ”2”, ”VehClassName”: ”B”, ”VehClassType”: ”1”, ”PricePrepaid”: 110, ”PricePOA”: 118.8, ”DamageExcess”: 500, ”TheftExcess”: 500, ”StatusName”: ”Available”, ”Details”: { ”Passengers”: ”5”, ”Doors”: ”3”, ”Aircon”: ”1”, ”TowHitch”: ”0”, ”4wd”: ”0”, ”BootSize”: ”300”, ”BootSmallLuggage”: ”2”, ”BootBigLuggage”: ”1”, ”Consumption”: ”6.00”, ”CO2”: ”120”, ”LoadLength”: ””, ”LoadHeight”: ””, ”LoadWidth”: ””, ”WidthWheelHousing”: ””, ”OverallLength”: ””, ”OverallHeight”: ””, ”OverallWidth”: ””, ”Payload”: ””, ”RoofLoad”: ””, ”TowingCapacityBraked”: ””, ”TowingCapacityUnbraked”: ””, ”TailLift”: ”0”, ”ExampleVeh”: ”Ford Fiesta”, ”PicUrl”: ””, ”ExtraInformation”: ””, ”DrivingLicense”: ”B”, ”Transmission”: ”manuaali”, ”Fuel”: ”bensiini 95 E10” } }, { ”RateId”: ”102856”, ”VehClassId”: ”1”, ”VehClassName”: ”C”, ”VehClassType”: ”1”, ”PricePrepaid”: 130, ”PricePOA”: 140.4, ”DamageExcess”: 500, ”TheftExcess”: 500, ”StatusName”: ”Available”, ”Details”: { ”Passengers”: ”5”, ”Doors”: ”5”, ”Aircon”: ”1”, ”TowHitch”: ”1”, ”4wd”: ”0”, ”BootSize”: ”500”, ”BootSmallLuggage”: ”3”, ”BootBigLuggage”: ”2”, ”Consumption”: ”6.50”, ”CO2”: ”125”, ”LoadLength”: ””, ”LoadHeight”: ””, ”LoadWidth”: ””, ”WidthWheelHousing”: ””, ”OverallLength”: ””, ”OverallHeight”: ””, ”OverallWidth”: ””, ”Payload”: ””, ”RoofLoad”: ””, ”TowingCapacityBraked”: ””, ”TowingCapacityUnbraked”: ””, ”TailLift”: ”0”, ”ExampleVeh”: ”Ford Focus”, ”PicUrl”: ””, ”ExtraInformation”: ””, ”DrivingLicense”: ”B”, ”Transmission”: ”automaatti”, ”Fuel”: ”bensiini 95 E10” } }, { ”RateId”: ”102857”, ”VehClassId”: ”3”, ”VehClassName”: ”P”, ”VehClassType”: ”2”, ”PricePrepaid”: 178.2, ”PricePOA”: 192.46, ”DamageExcess”: 1000, ”TheftExcess”: 1000, ”StatusName”: ”Available”, ”Details”: { ”Passengers”: ”9”, ”Doors”: ”4”, ”Aircon”: ”1”, ”TowHitch”: ”1”, ”4wd”: ”1”, ”BootSize”: ”7000”, ”BootSmallLuggage”: ”0”, ”BootBigLuggage”: ”0”, ”Consumption”: ”15.00”, ”CO2”: ”155”, ”LoadLength”: ”2543”, ”LoadHeight”: ”1643”, ”LoadWidth”: ”1692”, ”WidthWheelHousing”: ”1585”, ”OverallLength”: ”4890”, ”OverallHeight”: ”2165”, ”OverallWidth”: ”1904”, ”Payload”: ”2670”, ”RoofLoad”: ”150”, ”TowingCapacityBraked”: ”2000”, ”TowingCapacityUnbraked”: ”250”, ”TailLift”: ”0”, ”ExampleVeh”: ”VW Transporter”, ”PicUrl”: ””, ”ExtraInformation”: ”3 istuinta poistettavissa”, ”DrivingLicense”: ”C”, ”Transmission”: ”manuaali”, ”Fuel”: ”diesel” } } ] } |
Returns available options for selected vehicle class. |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
PickUpTime | date time | x | pickup time of the vehicle |
ReturnTime | date time | x | return time of the vehicle |
VehClassId | integer | x | id number of the vehicle class |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
Id | integer | x | id number of the equipment |
Name | string | x | name of the equipment |
Type | string | x | type of the equipment selection (number/checkbox) |
Description | string | x | description of the equipment |
Price | float | x | price of the equipment |
”PickUpTime”:”2023-05-17 18:00:00″, ”ReturnTime”:”2023-05-24 11:00:00″, ”VehClassId”:2 } |
”Equipments”: [ { ”Id”: 1, ”Name”: ”Child seat”, ”Type”: ”number”, ”Description”: ”Seat for 15-20kg child”, ”Price”: 30 }, { ”Id”: 3, ”Name”: ”Navigator”, ”Type”: ”checkbox”, ”Description”: ”Navigator included”, ”Price”: 15 }, { ”Id”: 7, ”Name”: ”Load straps”, ”Type”: ”number”, ”Description”: ” ”, ”Price”: ”3.00” } ] } |
Saves reservation information. |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
Rate: | |||
RateId | string | x | rate reference from json_vehavailrate.php |
Reservation: | |||
PickUpTime | date time | x | pickup time of the vehicle |
PickUpLocationCode | string | x | location code of the pickup place |
ReturnTime | date time | x | return time of the vehicle |
ReturnLocationCode | string | x | location code of the return place |
FlightNumber | string | number of the flight whereby customer arrives to airport | |
Reference | string | voucher number | |
Customer: | |||
GivenName | string | x | first name of the customer |
SurName | string | x | last name of the customer |
Address | string | x | address of the customer |
City | string | x | city where the customer lives in |
PostalCode | string | x | postal code of the city where the customer lives in |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the customer |
string | x | email address of the customer | |
Driver: | |||
GivenName | string | x | first name of the driver |
SurName | string | x | last name of the driver |
Address | string | x | address of the driver |
City | string | x | city where the driver lives in |
PostalCode | string | x | postal code of the city where the driver lives in |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the driver |
string | x | email address of the driver | |
Vehicle: | |||
VehClassId | integer | x | id number of the vehicle class |
PricePrepaid | float | x | price when paid in advance |
PricePOA | float | x | price when paid on arrival |
Equipments: | |||
Id | integer | x | id number of the selected equipment |
Amount | integer | x | amount of the selected equipments |
PricePrepaid | float | x | price when paid in advance |
PricePOA | float | x | price when paid on arrival |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
ReservationId | string | x | id of the reservation |
Status | string | x | status of the reservation |
”Rate”: { ”RateId”:”1804563″ }, ”Reservation”: { ”PickUpTime”:”2023-05-17 18:00:00″, ”PickUpLocationCode”:”HELA”, ”ReturnTime”:”2023-05-18 18:00:00″, ”ReturnLocationCode”:”HELA”, ”FlightNumber”:”AY1575″, ”Reference”:”RR20211″ }, ”Customer”: { ”GivenName”: ”Mikko”, ”SurName”: ”Mallikas”, ”Address”: ”Ruusupolku 12A6”, ”City”: ”Oulu”, ”PostalCode”: ”90100”, ”Phone”: ”+358 55 555 55555”, ”Email”: ”” }, ”Driver”: { ”GivenName”: ”Maija”, ”SurName”: ”Mallikas”, ”Address”: ”Ruusupolku 12A6”, ”City”: ”Oulu”, ”PostalCode”: ”90100”, ”Phone”: ”+358 55 555 55555”, ”Email”: ”” }, ”Vehicle”: { ”VehClassId”: ”6”, ”PricePrepaid”: 127.5, ”PricePOA”: 0 }, ”Equipments”: [ { ”Id”: 39, ”Amount”: 1, ”PricePrepaid”: 0, ”PricePOA”: 10 }, { ”Id”: 45, ”Amount”: 2, ”PricePrepaid”: 0, ”PricePOA”: 12.4 } ] } |
”ReservationId”: ELL182310, ”Status”: ”saved” } |
Returns the information for the reservation. |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
ReservationId | string | x | id of the reservation |
SurName | string | x | last name of the customer |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
Reservation: | |||
ReservationId | string | x | id of the reservation |
PickUpTime | date time | x | pickup time of the vehicle |
ReturnTime | date time | x | return time of the vehicle |
Reference | string | voucher number | |
FlightNumber | string | number of the flight whereby customer arrives to airport | |
PickupLocation: | |||
Code | string | x | code of the pickup location |
Name | string | x | name of the pickup location |
Address | string | x | address of the pickup location |
City | string | x | city of the pickup location |
PostalCode | string | x | postalcode of the pickup location |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the pickup location |
string | x | email address of the pickup location | |
ReturnLocation: | |||
Code | string | x | code of the return location |
Name | string | x | name of the return location |
Address | string | x | address of the return location |
City | string | x | city of the return location |
PostalCode | string | x | postalcode of the return location |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the return location |
string | x | email address of the return location | |
Customer: | |||
GivenName | string | x | first name of the customer |
SurName | string | x | last name of the customer |
Address | string | x | address of the customer |
City | string | x | city where the customer lives in |
PostalCode | string | x | postal code of the city where the customer lives in |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the customer |
string | x | email address of the customer | |
Driver: | |||
GivenName | string | x | first name of the driver |
SurName | string | x | last name of the driver |
Address | string | x | address of the driver |
City | string | x | city where the driver lives in |
PostalCode | string | x | postal code of the city where the driver lives in |
Phone | string | x | phone number of the driver |
string | x | email address of the driver | |
Vehicle: | |||
VehClassId | integer | x | id number of the vehicle class |
VehClassName | string | x | name of the vehicle class |
PricePrepaid | float | x | price when paid in advance |
PricePOA | float | x | price when paid on arrival |
DamageExcess | float | x | extra charge in case of damage |
TheftExcess | float | x | extra charge in case of theft |
Details: | |||
ClassName | string | x | name of the vehicle class |
Passengers | string | x | number of passengers occupying the vehicle |
Doors | string | x | number of the vehicle doors |
Aircon | string | x | information whether there is air conditioning in the vehicle |
TowHitch | string | information whether there is a tow hitch in the vehicle | |
4wd | string | information whether there is four-wheel drive in the vehicle | |
BootSize | string | size of the vehicles boot/trunk | |
BootSmallLuggage | string | number of small luggage fitting in the vehicles boot/trunk | |
BootBigLuggage | string | number of big luggage fitting in the vehicles boot/trunk | |
Consumption | string | consumption of the vehicle | |
CO2 | string | carbon dioxide emissions of the vehicle | |
LoadLength | string | length of the loading space | |
LoadHeight | string | height of the loading space | |
LoadWidth | string | width of the loading space | |
WidthWheelHousing | string | width of the loading space for the wheel housing | |
OverallLength | string | length of the vehicles external dimensions | |
OverallHeight | string | height of the vehicles external dimensions | |
OverallWidth | string | width of the vehicles external dimensions | |
Payload | string | payload of the vehicle | |
RoofLoad | string | roofload of the vehicle | |
TowingCapacityBraked | string | towing capacity of trailer with brakes | |
TowingCapacityUnbraked | string | towing capacity of trailer with no brakes | |
TailLift | string | lifting capacity of the tail lift | |
ExampleVeh | string | example vehicle of the vehicle class | |
PicUrl | string | picture url for the vehicle class photo | |
ExtraInformation | string | extra information of the vehicle | |
DrivingLicense | string | required driving license | |
Transmission | string | information of the vehicles gear box | |
Fuel | string | fuel type of the vehicle | |
Equipments: | |||
Id | integer | x | id number of the selected equipment |
Name | string | x | name of the selected equipment |
Amount | string | x | amount of the selected equipments |
UnitPrice | float | x | price of one equipment unit |
PricePrepaid | float | x | price when paid in advance |
PricePOA | float | x | price when paid on arrival |
”ReservationId”:”ELL181453″, ”SurName”:”Mallikas” } |
”Reservation”: { ”ReservationId”:”ELL181453″, ”PickUpTime”:”2023-05-17 18:00:00″, ”ReturnTime”:”2023-05-18 18:00:00″, ”Reference”:”RR20211″, ”FlightNumber”:”AY1575″ }, ”PickupLocation”: { ”Code”: ”HELA”, ”Name”: ”Helsinki-Vantaa Airport”, ”Address”: ”Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema”, ”City”: ”Vantaa”, ”PostalCode”: ”01530”, ”Phone”: ”010 555 55555”, ”Email”: ””, }, ”ReturnLocation”: { ”Code”: ”HELA”, ”Name”: ”Helsinki-Vantaa Airport”, ”Address”: ”Helsinki-Vantaan lentoasema”, ”City”: ”Vantaa”, ”PostalCode”: ”01530”, ”Phone”: ”010 555 55555”, ”Email”: ””, }, ”Customer”: { ”GivenName”: ”Mikko”, ”SurName”: ”Mallikas”, ”Address”: ”Ruusupolku 12A6”, ”City”: ”Oulu”, ”PostalCode”: ”90100”, ”Phone”: ”+358 55 555 55555”, ”Email”: ”” }, ”Driver”: { ”GivenName”: ”Maija”, ”SurName”: ”Mallikas”, ”Address”: ”Ruusupolku 12A6”, ”City”: ”Oulu”, ”PostalCode”: ”90100”, ”Phone”: ”+358 55 555 55555”, ”Email”: ”” }, ”Vehicle”: { ”VehClassId”: ”6”, ”VehClassName”: ”D”, ”PricePrepaid”: 127.5, ”PricePOA”: 0, ”DamageExcess”: 1000, ”TheftExcess”: 1000, ”Details”: { ”ClassName”: ”D”, ”Passengers”: ”5”, ”Doors”: ”5”, ”Aircon”: ”1”, ”TowHitch”: ”0”, ”4wd”: ”0”, ”BootSize”: ”500”, ”BootSmallLuggage”: ”3”, ”BootBigLuggage”: ”2”, ”Consumption”: ”7.00”, ”CO2”: ”125”, ”LoadLength”: ””, ”LoadHeight”: ””, ”LoadWidth”: ””, ”WidthWheelHousing”: ””, ”OverallLength”: ””, ”OverallHeight”: ””, ”OverallWidth”: ””, ”Payload”: ””, ”RoofLoad”: ””, ”TowingCapacityBraked”: ””, ”TowingCapacityUnbraked”: ””, ”TailLift”: ”0”, ”ExampleVeh”: ”BMW 318”, ”PicUrl”: ””, ”ExtraInformation”: ””, ”DrivingLicense”: ”B”, ”Transmission”: ”automaatti”, ”Fuel”: ”bensiini 95 E10” } }, ”Equipments”: [ { ”Id”: 39, ”Name”: ”Istuinkoroke”, ”Amount”: 1, ”UnitPrice”: 10, ”PricePrepaid”: 0, ”PricePOA”: 10 }, { ”Id”: 45, ”Name”: ”Istuinkoroke”, ”Amount”: 2, ”UnitPrice”: 6.2, ”PricePrepaid”: 0, ”PricePOA”: 12.4 } ] } |
Cancels the reservation. Altering the reservation is possible by canceling the reservation and making a new reservation. |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
ReservationId | string | x | id of the reservation |
SurName | string | x | last name of the customer |
parameters | data type | mandatory | description |
ReservationId | string | x | id of the reservation |
Status | string | x | status of the reservation |
”ReservationId”:”ELL182310″, ”SurName”:”Smith” } |
”ReservationId”: ELL182310, ”Status”: ”cancelled” } |